SIRE 2.0 is the latest version of the Ship Inspection Report Programme (SIRE), developed by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF). SQLearn provides a training portfolio, including a library of online CBTs for trainings arising from OCIMF SIRE 2.0 requirements. OCIMF’s SIRE 2.0 has been designed to improve the inspection process and ensure that vessels meet the required safety and environmental standards.

Here are some of the critical updates and changes that SIRE 2.0 brings:

  1. New Inspection Areas: SIRE 2.0 introduces new inspection areas, such as vessel suitability for ship-to-ship (STS) transfer operations, enclosed space entry procedures, and cyber security measures.
  2. Enhanced Report Format: The SIRE report format has been improved to make it more user-friendly and informative. The new report format includes more detailed information on deficiencies and observations, as well as enhanced categorization of observations.
  3. Revised VIQ Questionnaire: The Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (VIQ) has been revised to reflect industry standards and regulations changes. The new VIQ includes additional questions on topics such as ballast water management and cargo heating.
  4. Improved Inspection Process: SIRE 2.0 provides inspectors with additional guidance on the inspection process, including detailed checklists and guidance notes. This should ensure that inspections are conducted consistently and thoroughly.
  5. Enhanced Training and Accreditation: SIRE 2.0 includes updated training and accreditation requirements for inspectors. This should help ensure that inspectors are well-trained and competent to conduct inspections to the required standard.

Overall, the SIRE 2.0 programme aims to improve the safety and environmental performance of vessels engaged in transporting oil, chemicals, and gas cargoes and in promoting industry best practices. Vessel operators need to stay up-to-date with these changes and ensure that their vessels are prepared for SIRE inspections. SQLearn offers online CBTs that can provide the trainees, both onboard and ashore, the knowledge to prepare for various tasks and issues related to SIRE inspections. Specialized training management software can support multiple vetting queries that require specific training procedures in place along with required evidence.

SIRE 2.0 CBT training


As a complete solution to cover training requirement arising from OCIMF’s SIRE 2.0 SQLearn proposes:

1) Specific CBTs for each SIRE 2.0 chapter

2) Specialized Software for overall training activities management and reporting

3) Specialized Software for Competency Management

4) Cloud based Simulator Training

5) Virtual Familiarization that is vessel specific.


Below is a list of SQLearn CBT courses that cover various chapters of OCIMF SIRE 2.0 and can be used to prepare seafarers and ashore personnel for SIRE inspections. You might also find useful our introductory to SIRE 2.0 courses.

SIRE 2.0 Chapter Proposed CBTs
3. Crew Management
4. Navigation and Communications
5. Safety Management
6. Pollution Prevention
7. Maritime Security
8. Cargo and Ballast Systems
9. Mooring and Anchoring
10. Machinery Spaces




